Tuesday, October 18, 2011

привет Russia!

Firstly I'd like to apologise if the foreign characters in the title of  this post mean anything other than "hello" in Russian. As my own mastery of the Russian language is limited to vodka, I've had to lean heavily on google translate (and just between us - he isn't always up to the task).

Why am I attempting to greet my audience in Russian? Well you may not know this, but the blogger set up has a stats area where I can see how many people have viewed my blog in a given day, week or month. It also has an audience function where I can see the countries from which people have viewed my blog.

Naturally enough, most of the page views I get are from Australia. I also get some page views from New Zealand, the UK and Germany but that is not hugely surprising to me as I have friends and family members in those countries. What is surprising to me is when I suddenly get page views from countries where I don't know anyone. Then I start to ponder how these people came across my blog. It is possible these people are travelers I have met this year who have gone on to visit other countries. It is also possible that these people are Harry Potter fans that I met at Leaky Con.

However, to my knowledge, I have not met any Russians in my travels this year. So I am curious. Who are you Russian reader? Thank you for taking an interest in my blog and, if you are so inclined, please leave a comment explaining how you came across my ramblings. I'm dying of curiosity here. Also, if there are other readers of this blog from countries I did not mention earlier, I'd love to hear about how you stumbled onto my little corner of the web.

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